Arizona AFO Logo

Medicare & Insurance

L-Code Information

In most cases, the Arizona AFO is covered by Medicare reimbursement when prescribed by a physician for approved applications. However it is the patient’s responsibility to verify coverage and secure any necessary pre-approvals.


The Arizona AFO is usually covered for approved applications by most health insurance plans. However it is the patient’s responsibility to verify coverage and secure any necessary pre-approvals. Always consult your health plan.

L-Code Information

Various l-codes and descriptors that may be used in billing medicare


A leather, or similar material, lacer molded from a model of the patient, that fits around the calf area, includes casting and cast preparation.


A semi-rigid molded plastic orthosis to hold the foot in neutral position (dorsi -plantar flexion), controls foot position, custom molded from a model of the patient, custom fabricated, includes casting and cast preparation.


1960 A rigid orthosis to control the foot and ankle, custom molded from a model of the patient, custom fabricated, includes casting and cast preparation.


L-2820 Addition to Lower Extremity Orthosis, Soft Interface for Molded Plastic, Below Knee Section.

Medicare assigned l-codes by product styles


(L-1940, L-2330, L-2820, - For a total of three codes)


(L-1940, L-2330, L-2820, - For a total of three codes)


(L-1960, L-2330, L-2820 For a total of three codes)


(L-1960, L-2330, L-2820 For a total of three codes)

Partial Foot

(L-1940, L-2330, L-2820, L-5000 For a total of four codes)

The final and sole responsibility for the correct coding, within established laws, rules, and standards of practice, rests upon the party submitting the claim.